Why the Blog, Dude?

It seems with technical presentations, an hour never really gives enough time to ensure that everything is clearly understood. There are always a number of questions that go unanswered, and even though I provide contact information, sometimes people are a little shy to contact me about a question or process. Ergo, the blog.

After a workshop has been presented, the Map, Trap, and Zap™ blog is a place for more detail and an open discussion about the topics and issues raised.

I began this concept several years ago with the Playing Spider: Enticing Your Web Audience™ presentation and a full blown online learning environment (eleven websites) to support the presentation and the methods and theories presented.

Conference and workshop attendees can review materials prior to the presentation to increase their familiarity with context and terms ahead of time to get the most out of the presentation.

Thanks for your interest, I hope to see you at the next presentation,

image: BigStockPhoto.com